Yoon lab interview by Department of Biological Sciences, KAIST
Yoon lab interview by Department of Biological Sciences, KAIST
[BRIC Bio통신원] [하늘 밖 하늘을 찾아서] 윤기준 KAIST 생명과학과 교수님 인터뷰
Yoon lab introduction in the KSMCB site
A perspective from a young scientist at the right place at the right time
NY Times
Doc's story to fight with Parkinson's disease
Reality check for organoids in neuroscience
Lab photo album
My researcher profile in SUHF website
Lightning Talk: Epigenetics in Neurobiology
In utero electroporation of mouse embryonic brain
Ki-Jun was selected as a SUHF young investigator!
Summer Davos World Economic Forum